Our relationship with God can never be right when our relationship with other people are wrong.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Years!!

Well i missed wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, so I'll just say happy new years instead. I hope that everyone's Christmas was great and that they were able to see friends and family.

It's been a few months since I last updated. Please forgive me. I'm just bored of blogging, email, Internet, computers, and electronics in general. It doesn't have the same effect on me as it once did. I mean, they are all great, but I'm just bored of them. I'd much rather spend time outside, eating, or sleeping, or just spending time with Karen. (Not necessarily in that order)

This year has flown by. It definitely marks one of the greatest years of my life! I have accomplished a lot this year. I got my B.Eng.Mgt from McMaster University, got married to the most beautiful, wonderful woman i have ever met, went on my very first vacation (the Honeymoon to Cuba), moved in with my wife, started my career as an Account Manager, and moved again to a really nice walk in basement. God has really blessed me this year.

I usually don't make any new years resolutions. I think that most people don't keep them so its useless. If you are really interested in making some resolutions, then you would begin them as you think about them, regardless of the time of the year. However, this year I really want to spend more time with God, (reading the Bible, praying, worshipping Him, and fasting). I haven't done that as nearly much this year as I had wanted to. Its easy to get too busy doing things at the time that seem more important than that, however, there is really nothing more important to me than my love for my God. So, I need to change my habits and make more time for that. Please pray that I may be able to accomplish that this year.

Anyway, I have some preparations to do for new years. Have a great new year!!!
